How to Manage Tasks
Entity Management


Clients on the Business or Enterprise subscriptions can assign tasks to other users. Navigate to the Tasks tab for an entity record.

On the Tasks tab, you can view tasks that are In Progress, Completed, and Canceled.

Lextree displays the task title, the status, requestor, to whom it was assigned, when the task is due, and any notes.

Assign a Task

To create a task, select the + Assign button.

Provide a short description of the task in the Task field. We recommend using active verbs with an object. For example, File ABC report with government agency.

You can assign the task to one or more other users in the Assigned To field. Click in the field to see a list of available names. Select a name to add that person to the task. Repeat that process to assign additional people to the task.

In the Completions Required field, you can require that everyone in the Assigned To field complete the task before it is marked as completed, or you can set the Task to be completed by one of the assigned users.

The Due date field determines when the task is due.

Use the Notes field to provide a fuller description of the task.

You can optionally add a document to the task. If the task involves completing a form, for example, you might attach a blank version of the form.

Choose Submit to save the task. Lextree will automatically email the people in the Assigned To field that they have a new task. They will also receive a weekly digest of tasks, provided that they set their account settings to receive the digest.

Pending tasks will also show on the dashboard.

Compete a Task

To complete a Task, navigate to the task details page by selecting the task link at Dashboard > Tasks or go to View > Tasks.

The task details page makes several features available depending on the user’s permissions and role in the task.

  • The Edit button allows the Requestor to modify the task.
  • The Cancel button terminates a task even if it is not completed.
  • The Document button allows a user to upload a related document.
  • The Comment button provides space to add notes specific to the task.
  • The Complete button is only available to user to whom the task is assigned. Those users can mark the task as complete by selecting this button. There is opportunity to add notes about the competed task and to add a document, such as a completed form.

The task details will also show the status history, document history, and all comments related to the task.

The Status on the task detail will vary depending on the number of people assigned to the task and whether they all must complete it, or one is enough.