Compliance Requirements
Entity Management


The Requirements feature of Lextree is your general purpose helper. A requirement is any legal obligation or filing you want to track. Lextree prioritizes Annual Reports or Annual Statements, but those are not the only kind of requirement you can track in Lextree.

To add a requirement, navigate to the Requirements tab on the entity detail page.

Select the + Add button. Lextree will display the Add Requirement page.

In the Summary field, enter a short description of the requirement.

You can select a Jurisdiction for the requirement if you choose. This is useful for foreign authorizations and DBA filings in other states.

The Type of requirement comes from Settings > Lookups, Folders, & Fields > Requirements Types where Admin users can create and modify requirement types. Common types include: filing, license or permit renewal, meeting, or tax payment.

If the requirement is an Annual report/statement?, then that checkbox opens additional features for those filings. Annual statement information flows through automatically to the dashboard as well.

In the Details area, you can describe the requirement.

The Notes is useful for internal comments related to the requirement.

Lextree includes powerful features for recurring filings and alerts. In the Due Date field enter the date the requirement is due. If it is a recurring obligation, the Recurring due date? checkbox opens fields for you to set the recurring period.

When you check the Send alert? box under Notifications, you can set the alert frequency and recipients. When you have a recurring requirement and an alert set, Lextree will automatically advance the alert when the recurring requirement date moves ahead to the next period.