Setup for Collaboration
Contract Management


Collaboration on contracts and contract management is built into Lextree. There are two pillars of collaboration in Lextree: unlimited user licensing and access controls. Organizations on the Business or Enterprise subscription plans can take advantage of the collaboration features.

Imagine that colleagues in Legal and Finance want to collaborate with their outside legal counsel on a lease. However, the outside counsel just works on real estate matters, so the internal Legal and Finance teams do not want to share every contract, just real estate related agreements.

We will use Groups and Roles to support this controlled collaboration.

Step 1. Create a Group for Sharing Real Estate Contracts

We navigate to Settings > Users & Groups > Groups to add a Real Estate using the + Add button. You could also call this group something like Shared Real Estate Contracts.

In our example, we want our outside legal counsel to have access to all real estate related contracts so this general real estate group works for our purpose.

Step 2. Assign Users to the Real Estate Group

In order for users to have access to contracts in our real estate group, we need edit their accounts so they are in those groups. This is a one time action. Once it is done all future contracts assigned to the Real Estate group will automatically be shared. Navigate to Settings > Users & Groups > Users. Select the name of each User you want to assign to the Real Estate group.

Click in the Groups field. Select Real Estate in the list of Groups. Select Submit to save the changes.

Step 3. Assign Contracts to the Real Estate Group

To give outside counsel access to Real Estate contracts, we need to add those contracts to the Real Estate group too.

On the Contracts page, select the contract(s) you want to share. Lextree will display the Contract Details page. Select the Groups button at the top of the page.

Lextree will display the current group assignments. Click in the field and select Real Estate from the list of available options.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the User who wants to assign the contract to the Real Estate group, is not also a member of the group, then Real Estate will not be an option. By design, Lextree hides groups from users who are not members of the group.


Now when your outside counsel logs in to Lextree, only the real estate contracts will be visible.