Complete Contract Task
Contract Management


There are several types of tasks and related actions. There are three ways to access tasks assigned to you. First, you can click on the link in the email about the task assignment which you received from Lextree Alerts.

Second, you can see upcoming tasks on the Dashboard > Tasks tab.

Third, you can navigate to View > Tasks from the menu bar. The Tasks page gives you the most comprehensive view of your tasks. The Tasks page show you tasks In Progress, Completed, Cancelled, and Assigned by the Logged in User.

With any of these methods, you select the name of the task to access the Task Details page where you can take action on the task. On the Task Details page you can access information about the task and take action depending on your role in the task and its stage.

Here are three examples:

Example 1. Approve a Request

If the task is part of a contract request workflow and you are an approver, then you will see an Approve button at the top of the task details. Selecting the Approve button displays a form where you can record your approval, additional comments, and even upload a document if necessary.

Example 2. Complete the Task

A single step task or task that is ready for completion will show a Complete button at the top of the page. Select the button to mark the task as complete. Lextree will ask you to confirm your choice and allow you to record comments about the task.

Example 3. Publish the Contract

For contract request workflows where the contract is approved, Lextree will display a Publish button for authorized users. The Publish button is the final step to move the contract request into a final contract for management on the Contracts menu.

Those are the three ways to complete a task.