Add Contract Record
Contract Management


Add Contract Record

Adding a new contract in Lextree is easy. This article explains how.

Editor users may create new contract records by doing the following:

  1. Go to Contracts.
  2. Click + Add.
  3. Select an existing party from the Parties field or click + Add a new option below the field to add new parties for the contract, and then enter additional contract information.
  4. Assign at least one group to the contract (this determines which users will have access to the contract record).
  5. If needed, you may check the Auto-Renewal? checkbox and set a schedule for Lextree to automatically update the expiration date of the contract.
  6. You may also setup email alerts for the contract by clicking the Send Alert? checkbox and selecting the desired alert email timing, frequency, recipients, and message.
  7. Click Submit to create the contract record and a second form will be displayed where you may upload or link a document attachment for the contract (you may add additional attachments on the page that follows). Click Submit to upload the initial document attachment and view the newly created record.

NOTE: Contract records may be created by authorized users through the request process.

Add Contract Record Lextree will then ask you to add a document to the contract record. You can add more documents later. Add Contract Document